Faculty Senate Listserv


The primary purpose of this unmoderated list is to provide a forum for the communication of information of general interest to the faculty. Its use is limited to matters relating to the university community and the academy. The list should not be used to promote personal agendas or as an advertising vehicle.
To subscribe or unsubscribe:     

Fill-in the information as requested at: https://listserv.miami.edu/scripts/wa.exe?SUBED1=allfaculty&A=1

 To post to the list:       Send your e-mail message to ALLFACULTY@LISTSERV.MIAMI.EDU
Please note a "Reply" to a message from the list will be sent to its author, not to all other recipients. If you want to follow up with a message that is distributed to the entire "ALLFACULTY" mailing list, then use the "Reply to All" function or button on your email program.

  1. Only full-time faculty and a limited number of senior administrators may subscribe to the list and have access to its postings. You should therefore not forward list postings to anyone.
  2. Be mindful of language, as when “conversing” electronically, our gestures and tone of voice cannot be seen and heard.
  3. Feel free to disagree with your colleagues’ postings, but always do so in a collegial manner. Civility is essential for open dialogue.
  4. If you want simply to say, “I agree/disagree,” it is best to reply directly to the person who submitted the posting and not to the list.



