The General Welfare Committee (GWC) is composed of the Senate Chair, Senate Vice Chairs, and one senator elected by the Senate from each school/college and the Library. The GWC holds monthly meetings, in Executive Session, throughout the academic year.
In addition to reviewing all proposals that are submitted for consideration by the Faculty Senate and approving the Senate agenda, the GWC may informally advise the President on general educational policy; collects and transmits the opinions of the faculty in the quadrennial review of the Provost, deans and chairs; informally discuss with a dean or other administrative officer alleged violations of good academic practices; and perform other duties the Senate may assign it through a Bylaw.
The GWC’s sphere of interest includes the general welfare of the university, the academic freedom of faculty and of students, matters of tenure, and faculty-administration relationships.
The current membership of the GWC can be found here.
Meeting dates and materials deadlines for the GWC can be found here.
The University Curriculum Committee evaluates all substantive changes in the undergraduate curriculum. Proposals for new undergraduate degrees, majors, minors, and certificates must be reviewed by the Committee prior to their referral to the Faculty Senate. New cognates and cognate designations, any modifications to a cognate, and any changes to the cognate designation of a major or minor must be approved by the Committee before implementation. The Committee is also responsible for recommending university-wide policies relating to undergraduate programs.
The Committee also sets standards for the exemption of required courses and for the certification of courses and course sections that will satisfy the various General Education Requirements. It also reviews and certifies the specific courses and course sections that will satisfy the various requirements. Members of the UCC consists of at least one representative from each undergraduate school and a representative from the University Libraries. The Dean of Undergraduate Education, the University Registrar, the Associate Provost for University Accreditation, and a member of the General Welfare Committee serve as ex officio (non-voting) members.
Meeting dates and materials deadlines for the UCC can be found here.
The work of the Faculty Senate begins with its Standing Committees. These committees report to the GWC and the Faculty Senate.
In the spring of each year, the Secretary of the Faculty Senate solicits volunteers willing to serve on the various committees. The Chair of the Faculty Senate appoints all Standing Committee members and chairs from the UNIVERSITY FACULTY taking into consideration the need to maintain the representative nature of such committees, the need for relevant expertise among the members of such committees, and the need for Faculty Senate representation on most committees.
Each committee chair schedules committee meetings based on pending issues and members' availability. Most meetings are held on Gables campus, but this may vary as determined by each committee chair.
Membership lists and committee charges for each Standing Committee can be found here.
There are various administrative committees of the university that include faculty representation. As mandated on each committee's charge, specified faculty representatives are recommended by the Senate Chair.
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