Faculty Senate Awards

The Faculty Senate Awards Ceremony is scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. in the Gables Campus. 

Congratulations to this year's Faculty Senate Award Recipients!


2024-2025 Faculty Senate Awardees

James W. McLamore Outstanding Service Award

Tomás A. Salerno
Professor of Surgery, DeWitt Daughtry Endowed Chair in Cardiothoracic Surgery
Vice Chair for Faculty Development & Mentoring
Miller School of Medicine

Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award

Benjamin Kirtman
Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Science
William R Middelthon III Endowed Chair of Earth Sciences
Director, Cooperative Institute for Marine & Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS)
Deputy Director, Frost Institute for Data Science and Computing (IDSC)
Program Director, IDSC Earth Systems

Outstanding Teaching Award

Albert J. Varon
Miller Professor & Vice Chair for Faculty Development, Miller School of Medicine
Chief of Anesthesiology, Ryder Trauma Center

Awards Information

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  • James W. McLamore Outstanding Service Award

    The James W. McLamore Outstanding Service Award recognizes service above and beyond the call of duty by a member of the University community

    Please click here to read more about the award.

    A list of past awardees may be found by clicking here.

  • Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award

    The Distinguished Faculty Scholar Award recognizes either a single outstanding scholarly achievement or a lifetime of distinguished accomplishment in any area of research or creative activity.

    Please click here to read more about the award.

    A list of past awardees may be found by clicking here.  

  • Outstanding Teaching Award

    The Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes outstanding teaching by a faculty member with a substantial record of teaching at the University.

    Please click here read more about the award. 

    A list of past awardees may be found by clicking here.  
